Contracts / Grants
The Contracts/Grants module is set up to allow the administration and management of all types of grants, contracts and consultancies. It includes the facility to record all phases of the application and approval processes. In addition, it allows the storage and check listing of all aspects of the contract and any intellectual property associated with the work.
Key data elements stored in the system are:
- All investigators both internal and external, and both staff and students
- Affiliation data based on the internal structure of the institution, or the affiliation of external collaborators
- Australian Field of Research (FOR), and Socio-economic Objective (SEO) codes and values
- Full values of all financial related data for all parts of the process from initial amounts sought through to actual cash obtained (HERDC)
- All documents associated with the particular contract/grant
- Full workflow management through progress steps including powerful facilities to monitor the time taken for each part of the process
- Milestone management with attendant workflow
- All data required for the ERA
- Using the IRMA's configuration options and the security sub-system, this module may be used highly effectively for any administrative structure from full devolved to fully centralised and all intervening hybrids.